Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.

Act Now – Ask Your Senators to Pass America COMPETES Act Reauthorization This Year

Investing in basic research, improving science education, and supporting graduate fellowships — these are central elements for a vibrant scientific workforce.  However, many programs supported by the National Science Foundation, the Department of Energy Office of Science, and other federal agencies are at risk because of the pending expiration of the America COMPETES Act.

First enacted in 2007, the law aims to stimulate innovation and improve science education by increasing funding authorizations for federal agencies that support basic research.  To date, the law has increased funding for NSF and established science education programs that are enriching the education of students in K-12, college, and graduate school.

Congress is currently considering legislation to reauthorize the America COMPETES Act.  The legislation passed the House of Representatives with bipartisan support in June, but the Senate has yet to act.

You can send a letter to your Senators asking them to pass a reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act this year by going to

Act Now – Ask Your Senators to Pass America COMPETES Act Reauthorization This Year
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