Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.


NSC Alliance Releases New Resource on Value of Digitization

The Natural Science Collections Alliance has prepared a short report on digitization of natural history collections.  The document outlines the potential uses of digitized data and its value to researchers, students, decision makers, and the public.  Examples are presented of how digitized specimens and their associated data are being put to use. The following is […]

Request for Comments: Draft Implementation Plan for a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance

Comments are now being accepted on a draft Implementation Plan for a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance. The Implementation Plan builds upon the work of an earlier report: A Strategic Plan for Establishing a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance. The Strategic Plan issues a strong and urgent call for an aggressive, sustained, coordinated, and large-scale effort to […]

Impending Budget Cuts to Science Detailed in New Report

The American Institute of Biological Sciences has produced a report that explains the fiscal cliff, budget sequestration, and other forthcoming fiscal problems that have the potential to negatively impact federal investments in research and science education. Under current law, $6.8 trillion in deficit reduction will occur over the next decade through increased taxes and spending […]

Input Sought on Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance

With support from the U.S. National Science Foundation, in September 2012 the American Institute of Biological Sciences will convene a two-day workshop in Reston, Virginia, to develop an implementation plan for the Strategic Plan for a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance (NIBA). The outcome of the workshop will be a detailed report that will be published […]

Action Alert: Ask Congress and the President to Prevent Devastating Budget Cuts

Under current law, federal programs face devastating across-the-board budget cuts this January. Unless Congress and the President act now, non-defense discretionary programs, such as the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Department of the Interior, and face mandatory 7.8 percent budget cuts in January 2013. Defense and security programs would be cut by 10 […]

Scientists to Meet with Members of Congress

The Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSC Alliance) is pleased to announce the start of the 4th Annual Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event.  This nationwide initiative helps individual biologists and research centers meet with lawmakers while they are in their district for the August congressional recess.  Scientists participating in the event are able to discuss […]

NSC Alliance Sponsors Webinar to Help Scientists Engage in Public Policy

A new online presentation sponsored by the NSC Alliance aims to inform biologists about proposed federal funding for science and how individual scientists can help secure increased funding for competitive, peer-reviewed grant programs.  The webinar, presented as part of the 4th Annual Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event, features information regarding federal appropriations for biological […]

Stay Informed about Digitization: Subscribe to the iDigBio Newsletter

Stay informed about the Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio) project by starting a free subscription to its monthly eNewsletter.  Subscribers receive information about upcoming workshops on collection digitization, information about digitization protocols, and more. iDigBio is funded by the National Science Foundation and is focused on three key objectives: Improve the efficiency and effectiveness of biodiversity […]

Calling All Biologists: Showcase Science to Policymakers

This August, the NSC Alliance is sponsoring the 4th Annual Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event.  This national initiative encourages members of the science community to meet with their elected officials.  Unlike other efforts to educate members of Congress about the importance of scientific research and education programs, this event occurs across the country – […]

Digitizing Science Collections: Unlocking Data for Research and Innovation

Today, scientists briefed Congress, federal agency personnel, and nongovernmental organization representatives about the importance of the nation’s natural science collections.  The briefing explored how scientists and natural science collections managers are using new technology to digitize the nation’s natural science collections in an effort to increase access to these irreplaceable resources for research, education, and […]

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