Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.


Solicitation of Proposals for Collections in Support of Biological Research

The National Science Foundation has announced that the Collections in Support of Biological Research program is back to an annual funding cycle.  A new call for proposals (NSF 14-564) was recently released with a deadline of 11 August 2014. The Collections in Support of Biological Research Program provides funds: 1) for improvements to secure, improve, […]

Calculating the Costs of Curating Specimens

Many publications have extolled the value of natural history collections, however few have calculated the cost of caring for scientific specimens.  A recent paper estimates the cost of incorporating specimens into a natural history collection and making them accessible to researchers and the public. On average, it cost $17.51 per specimen for curation, installation, documentation, […]

NSF Seeks Community Input on Genomes-Phenomes Research Frontiers

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has launched a Wiki to seek community input on the grand challenge of understanding the complex relationship between genomes and phenomes.  The Wiki is intended to facilitate discussion among researchers in diverse disciplines that intersect with biology, such as computation, mathematics, engineering, physics, and chemistry. The Wiki format encourages open […]

Informal Education Research Funding Opportunity

A new funding opportunity is available that will provide up to $14.4 million to support research into how learning happens outside the classroom.  The new program is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation, UK-based Wellcome Trust, UK Economic and Social Research Council and other collaborators including the MacArthur Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore […]

NSC Alliance Releases New Resource on Importance of Collections to Wildlife Management

The Natural Science Collections Alliance has prepared a short report on how natural history collections contribute to wildlife management.  “Informing Wildlife Management: Genetics Research Uses Natural History Collections” shows how researchers use genetic information preserved in scientific collections in cutting-edge wildlife research.  Natural history collections are being used to prevent bird strikes with aircraft, better […]

Enter the Faces of Biology Photo Contest

Biological research is transforming our society and the world.  Help the public and policymakers better understand the breadth of biology by entering the Faces of Biology Photo Contest.  The competition is sponsored by the American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS). The theme of the contest is “Faces of Biology.”  Photographs entered into the contest must […]

OSTP Issues Directives on Scientific Collections

In March 2014, President Obama’s science advisor directed federal agencies to develop policies to improve the management of and access to scientific collections that are owned, directly managed, or financially supported by the federal government. Notably, agencies are required to improve public access to collections.  Agencies are directed to work with the Smithsonian Institution to […]

Report Analyzes Science Funding in President Obama’s Budget Request

A report from the American Institute of Biological Sciences analyzes funding for biological research in President Obama’s budget request for fiscal year 2015.  Most federal agencies would receive a small budget increase, but less than the rate of inflation, if the spending plan were enacted by Congress. The report provides detailed breakdowns of funding for […]

USGS Develops New DNA Tool to Identify Invasive Plants

Researchers at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) have developed a new DNA protocol to distinguish between native and invasive aquatic plant species that have almost identical appearances.  The tool was created using voucher plant specimens. “When invasive plants appear in a body of water, local people naturally are alarmed” said Nancy Rybicki, a USGS […]

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