Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.


NSC Alliance, Coalition of Scientific Organizations Defend NSF Peer Review

A coalition of 110 scientific organizations signed a letter in defense of peer review at the National Science Foundation (NSF).  The NSC Alliance was one of the organizations that signed the letter.  The letter was prompted by recent congressional actions that called into question the merit review process used by the National Science Foundation (NSF) […]

Enter the Faces of Biology: Broader Impacts Photo Contest

Biological research is transforming our society and the world. Help the public and policymakers to better understand these broader impacts in biological research by entering the Faces of Biology: Broader Impacts Photo Contest. The contest is sponsored by the American Institute of Biological Sciences. The theme of the contest is broader impacts of biology. Photographs […]

SPNHC Meeting Deadlines Extended

The registration deadline for the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) meeting has been extended.  Early bird rates are now available through 31 May 2013.  The meeting will take place in Rapid City, South Dakota on 17-22 June 2013. Poster and paper abstracts will also be accepted through 31 May 2013. The […]

President Obama Orders Federal Agencies to Make Data More Accessible

On 9 May 2013, the White House released a policy on public accessibility to government data.  The new policy directs federal agencies to change their practices so that new data is digital and therefore more accessible.  Agencies are encouraged, but not required, to make existing data “machine-readable.” The policy does not necessarily call for making […]

Final Rule Makes Some Changes to NAGPRA

The Department of the Interior has made changes to the regulations that implement the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA).  The new rule makes revisions “for accuracy and consistency,” according to the notice published in the Federal Register.  The new rule takes effect on 10 June 2013. Many of the revisions are minor.  […]

Costa Rican Collections Turned Over to Government

INBio, Costa Rica’s National Biodiversity Institute, has surrendered 3.5 million biological specimens to the nation’s government as a result of financial difficulties.  According to some news accounts, INBio’s current annual budget is nearly a million dollars short of what is needed to maintain the collections and facilities. INBio gained international prominence in the 1990s as […]

Calling All Armchair Taxonomists

The Encyclopedia of Life is hosting a challenge to describe the world’s diversity of life. Contestants are asked to research and write short descriptions of some of nature’s most fascinating species. Those descriptions will be reviewed by curators for inclusion in the Encyclopedia of Life. The best descriptions will earn their writers a private behind-the-scenes […]

NSC Alliance Asks Congress to Support Proposed Funding for Interior Collections

The NSC Alliance has submitted testimony to the Senate and House Appropriations Subcommittees on Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies. The testimony supported $2.0 million in new funding for the Department of the Interior’s Cultural and Scientific Collections program. The FY 2014 budget request would implement a multi-year action plan to address recommendations made by the […]

iDigBio Seeks Information on Genetic Resource Repositories

iDigBio is actively compiling a list of DNA banking facilities and genetic resource repositories in the United States that maintain collections of nucleic acid extracts (DNA or RNA) or preserved tissues suitable for genetic and genomic studies of biodiversity.  Currently, there are few comprehensive online resources available to aid researchers in: 1) identifying repositories for long-term […]

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