Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.


Agencies Detail Impacts of Sequestration on Research and Science Education

A number of federal departments and independent agencies released revised information on the likely impacts of budget sequestration at the request of Senate Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski. Many agencies face cuts that would be especially damaging for research and development (R&D), as well as science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education. Sequestration would have […]

Head of NSF to Step Down

Dr. Subra Suresh, the director of the National Science Foundation, announced on 5 February 2013 that he will leave the agency at the end of March. Dr. Suresh has accepted an appointment as the ninth president of Carnegie Mellon University. “It has been my extraordinary honor to lead the National Science Foundation, which is blessed […]

Registration Open for Dried Insect Digitization Workshop

iDigBio, the National Science Foundation’s national HUB for Advancing Digitization of Biological Collections (ADBC), is pleased to announce the third in a series of preparation-specific workshops focusing on organizing, launching, maintaining, and/or enhancing a biological collections digitization program.  This new workshop will focus on digitization of dried insect collections (pinned or packaged), to include specimen […]

Join Us for the 2013 BESC Congressional Visits Day

Scientists and graduate students who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are encouraged to participate in an important upcoming event. Each year, the Biological and Ecological Sciences Coalition (BESC) hosts a Congressional Visits Day in Washington, DC.  This event is an opportunity for scientists to […]

International Biodiversity Platform Takes Another Step Forward

Delegates from dozens of countries met in late January to create the administrative structure for a new international initiative to provide the science necessary to inform policies on conservation of biodiversity and ecosystem services. During the first plenary of the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), the Multidisciplinary Expert Panel was selected.  This […]

NSC Alliance Announces 2012 Accomplishments

In 2012, the NSC Alliance engaged in a number of notable activities to raise the profile of natural history collections with policymakers, researchers, and the general public.  A few highlights are presented below: Conducted a Congressional briefing on digitization of natural science collections. The event was well attended by policymakers from Capitol Hill, federal agencies, […]

Field Museum Announces Budget Cuts to Research

The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago, Illinois will cut $3 million from its budget for science.  An additional $2 million in reductions will be sought from other programs.  The spending reductions were prompted by the recession and institution’s debt. Richard Lariviere, the museum’s president, announced the cost cutting plans this week.  Staff layoffs […]

Deadline Approaching for Graduate Student Award in Science Policy

Graduate students with an interest in science policy are encouraged to apply for the 2013 AIBS Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award.  This award recognizes graduate students in the biological sciences who have demonstrated initiative and leadership in science policy.  Recipients receive first-hand experience at the interface of science and public policy. Winners receive a trip […]

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