Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.


Impending Budget Cuts to Science Detailed in New Report

The American Institute of Biological Sciences has produced a report that explains the fiscal cliff, budget sequestration, and other forthcoming fiscal problems that have the potential to negatively impact federal investments in research and science education. Under current law, $6.8 trillion in deficit reduction will occur over the next decade through increased taxes and spending […]

USGS Coalition Honors Representatives LaTourette, McCollum

On Wednesday, 12 September 2012, the USGS Coalition honored Representatives Steven LaTourette (R-OH) and Betty McCollum (D-MN) with the Coalition’s 2012 Leadership Award. The awards were presented during the USGS Coalition’s annual reception on Capitol Hill. The NSC Alliance is a member of the USGS Coalition. In addition to remarks by both Representatives, two senior […]

College Biology Faculty Named Leadership Fellows

The Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education (PULSE) program announced today that it has selected 40 Vision and Change Leadership Fellows.  The fellows will identify and consider how to eliminate barriers to the systemic changes that are needed to improve undergraduate life sciences education. The PULSE program is a joint initiative of the National Science […]

Public Comments Sought on NAGPRA Reporting Requirements

The National Park Service is currently accepting public input on reporting requirements for museums under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act.  The law requires museums to compile certain information regarding Native American cultural items in their possession. The government is interested in comments regarding ways to minimize the burden of the information collection […]

Input Sought on Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance

With support from the U.S. National Science Foundation, in September 2012 the American Institute of Biological Sciences will convene a two-day workshop in Reston, Virginia, to develop an implementation plan for the Strategic Plan for a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance (NIBA). The outcome of the workshop will be a detailed report that will be published […]

November Elections Draw Near: Register to Vote

This November, voters will head to the polls to elect all members of the United States House of Representatives, 33 Senate seats, and various state government offices.  To find out more about elections in your district, visit the AIBS Legislative Action Center at  If you have recently moved, you will need to re-register to […]

Action Alert: Ask Congress and the President to Prevent Devastating Budget Cuts

Under current law, federal programs face devastating across-the-board budget cuts this January. Unless Congress and the President act now, non-defense discretionary programs, such as the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, Department of the Interior, and face mandatory 7.8 percent budget cuts in January 2013. Defense and security programs would be cut by 10 […]

On the Importance of Scientific Collections

A series of special reports by NSC Alliance takes an in depth look at scientists and institutions who are using scientific collections.  The newest addition to the series, “Little Frog Faces Big Challenges: Herpetology Collection is Repository for Data on Rare Frog,” considers the fate of the Illinois chorus frog.  The species’ decline has been […]

Scientists to Meet with Members of Congress

The Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSC Alliance) is pleased to announce the start of the 4th Annual Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event.  This nationwide initiative helps individual biologists and research centers meet with lawmakers while they are in their district for the August congressional recess.  Scientists participating in the event are able to discuss […]

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