Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.


Action Alert: Cutting Science Funding Will Not Solve the Deficit Problem

There appears to be bipartisan agreement that the nation must take corrective steps to reduce the size of the federal deficit.  For months now, however, lawmakers have been battling a policy solution.  Some politicians have proposed deep cuts or the elimination of some scientific research programs.  Using the budget deficit to target scientific research that […]

House Plan Would Cut Funding for Biology Research at USGS

Ecosystem and biological research programs at the United States Geological Survey (USGS) could be cut by $10.7 million, a disproportionately large budget cut, if the House of Representative’s Interior and Environment Appropriations bill is enacted in its current form. When the proposed spending cuts are considered with the reductions enacted in the 2011 Continuing Resolution, […]

For Membership Review: Proposed NSCA Board Slate

Additional Nominations Accepted Until August 15 2011 Annual NSCA Board elections are getting underway, as per the NSCA Bylaws (, which state: “The Nominating Committee shall furnish the names of nominees to the Secretary, who shall circulate them either in written or electronic form (e.g., web site) to the members at least thirty (30) days […]

NSC Alliance Writes to New York Governor, Education Officials about State Museum

On 7 July 2011, the NSC Alliance wrote to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo and state education officials about the recent announcement of staff reductions at the New York State Museum.  “The loss of five professional-level Museum Scientist positions, including the State Archaeologist and four Curators (one of which serves as State Paleontologist), will devastate […]

Help Shape the Future of IMLS

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is developing a strategic plan to guide its work and priorities over the next five years.  On July 15, the agency will post highlights of the draft plan for public feedback at The new plan will help IMLS to rigorously examine all of its grant programs, […]

Ask Congress to Promote, not Politicize, Science

The United States House of Representatives may soon consider the fiscal year (FY) 2012 appropriations bill that will fund the National Science Foundation. Some in Congress have recently sought to attack programs within NSF, including mocking specific grants based on titles and inadequate information. The National Science Foundation is the only federal agency that invests […]

Deadline Approaching to Comment on NAGPRA Review

The Department of the Interior is currently leading a discretionary review of the current Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) regulations.  The purpose of the review is to address two questions: (1) Based on 15 years of use, do the rules currently codified at 43 C.F.R. Part 10 need any amendments, such as […]

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