Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.


Legislative Update: IMLS Reauthorization and Plant Genetic Resources Treaty

On December 22, President Obama signed into law a bill to reauthorize the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS).  The legislation (S. 3984) increases funding authorizations for the agency’s museum services to $38.6 million in fiscal year 2011.  This represents an increase of 14 percent above the fiscal year 2010 funding level. According to […]

2010 Fiscal Survey of States

The National Governors Association (NGA) and the National Association of State Budget Officers (NASBO) recently released the 2010 Fiscal Survey of the States.  As described in the report, the survey “presents aggregate and individual data on the states’ general fund receipts, expenditures, and balances.  Although not the totality of state spending, these funds are used […]

Student Internship Opportunity with CollectionsWeb

CollectionsWeb announces the availability of a research internship in collections-based research. The interns can be housed at any institution in the U.S. and supervised by any appropriate mentor. The purpose of the internships is to train students, create collaborations among museums and labs from different institutions, encourage the development of new tools and foster diversity. […]

Senate Committee Passes Legislation to Reauthorize IMLS

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions passed a bill on December 3 to reauthorize the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS).  The legislation, S. 3984, would increase funding authorizations for the agency’s museum services to $38.6 million in fiscal year 2011.  This represents an increase of 14 percent about the fiscal […]

New Shipping Regulations to Ease Regulatory Burden for Collections

Starting 1 January 2011, natural history specimens shipped via commercial air will no longer be classified as “dangerous goods.”  The new policy, issued by the International Air Transport Association (IATA), also removes a requirement for shippers to be formally trained in how to package scientific specimens; instead the shipper can train themselves. These special provisions, […]

SPNHC Seeks Guidance on Best Practices and Ethics Policies

The Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) is working to produce practical guidelines to help develop best practices and ethics policies for natural history collections.  With this goal, SPNHC is reaching out to museums, universities, and discipline-specific societies to request copies of their best practices and ethics documents.  It is from this […]

Scientists Express Concern for Peruvian Science Collections

Biologists are expressing concern for the preservation and appropriate curation of specimens held in the Museo de Historia Natural of San Marcos University in Lima, Peru.  On 19 November 2010, university officials are scheduled to consider plans to develop new space for the university’s graduate school and new facilities for the museum.  The problem, according […]

NSC Alliance, Nine Other Science Groups Ask Congress to Pass FY 2011 Science Appropriations

On 17 November 2010, the Natural Science Collections Alliance (NSC Alliance) joined with nine other scientific societies and organizations to request that Congress pass an FY 2011 appropriations bill that would provide the National Science Foundation with $7.424 billion. The text of the letter follows (the same letter was sent to Representatives Obey and Lewis, […]

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