Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.

Activities & Events

NSF-Funded Workshop to Evaluate the Need and Scope of an Antarctic Biorepository

An upcoming NSF-funded workshop will assess the current state of biological collections from Antarctica held in the USA, and identifying the value of and need for a repository for Antarctic organisms.  In addition, workshop participants will explore potential benefits and challenges of such a biological repository, including discussions related to collection organization, accessibility, infrastructure, and […]

National Fossil Day is October 13

National Fossil Day, an annual celebration organized by the National Park Service (NPS), will take place on October 13, 2021.  The event highlights the scientific and educational value of paleontology and the importance of preserving fossils for future generations.  The annual celebration will include paleontology activities planned by partner organizations across the United States. NSC […]

International Workshop Series on Nagoya Protocol: Register Now for the Session on Applied Ecology and Infectious Disease

With support from the National Science Foundation, the American Institute of Biological Sciences and the USA Nagoya Protocol Action Group are organizing an online workshop series to explore how the international scientific community can study biodiversity in the changing landscape of international policy.  Registration is now open for the session on Applied Ecology and Infectious […]

Register for ESA’s Strategies for Success Online Course

NSC Alliance members are invited to register for the Ecological Society of America’s (ESA) Strategies for Success online course for project leaders. The course will provide participants with the financial management, strategic planning, communication, and fundraising skills and tools you need to make your project or program more successful and financially sustainable.  Expert faculty will […]

Webinar: Funding Opportunities for Scientific Collections at NSF

Join us for a webinar with program directors from the National Science Foundation (NSF) about structural changes to collections-related funding opportunities at the agency. Date: October 4, 2021Time: 2:00-3:00 PM EST (this program will be recorded)Location: Online via Zoom Event Partners: Natural Science Collections AllianceAmerican Institute of Biological SciencesBiodiversity Collections NetworkSociety for the Preservation of […]

Expert Nominations Sought by IPBES

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is soliciting nominations for experts to participate in the thematic assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (nexus assessment) and the thematic assessment of the underlying causes of biodiversity loss and the determinants of transformative change and options for achieving the 2050 Vision […]

Biodiversity Digitization 2021: Celebrating a Decade of Digitization

Join the U.S. National Museum of Natural History – Smithsonian (NMNH), Integrated Digitized Biocollections (iDigBio), and Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) for a two-day virtual event, Biodiversity Digitization: Celebrating a Decade of Progress, to be held September 22-23, 2021.  The first two decades of the 21st century have seen huge gains in the digitization and […]

Fall 2021 International Workshop Series: How does sharing genetic data impact biodiversity science and conservation?

The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) and the USA Nagoya Protocol Action Group (USANPAG) are working with a number of member and sibling societies to raise awareness about policies that guide how we share and benefit from the study of biodiversity and sequence data.  NSC Alliance is actively involved in the planning of these […]

Invitation: Phase 2 of Global Consultation on Digital Extended Specimens

Starting in mid-June, the alliance for biodiversity knowledge will convene a follow up to the consultation that was held in February and March to converge the ideas behind two related but distinct concepts: the Digital Specimen, proposed by the Europe-based Distributed System of Scientific Collections (DiSSCo), and the Extended Specimen, which emerged from the Biological Collections Network (BCoN).  Phase 2 will […]

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