The House of Representatives is scheduled to begin debating legislation on 8 May 2012 that would fund the National Science Foundation (NSF) and other federal agencies in fiscal year 2013. Importantly, this bill (H.R. 5326) will determine how much funding will be available for NSF’s scientific research and education programs in the coming year.
The legislation, as approved by the House Appropriations Committee, is supportive of NSF. The agency would receive $7.3 billion, $299 more than this year. The budget line that funds NSF’s research directorates would receive a 4 percent increase. Education funding would increase by 5 percent. The Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction account would remain essentially flat at the fiscal year 2012 level. Funding for agency operations and grant administration would also remain flat.
It is important that members of Congress are reminded by their constituents of the importance of sustained federal investment in our nation’s scientific research enterprise. Please take a few moments now to send a prepared letter to your Representative to urge his/her support for NSF.
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