The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is the primary source of federal support for the nation’s libraries and museums. President Biden’s FY 2023 budget request includes $277 million for IMLS, an increase of 3.4 percent compared to the FY 2022 enacted level.
The IMLS Office of Museum Services (OMS) awards grants to museums to support educating students, preserving and digitizing collections, and engaging communities. For OMS, the request includes a total of $52.45 million (+10 percent). Of this amount, $40.5 million would be targeted to the five competitive funding opportunities authorized by the Museum Services Act, which include Museums for America ($27.9 million), Museums Empowered, Inspire! Museum Grants for Small Museums, Native American/Native Hawaiian Museum Services ($2.8 million), and National Leadership Grants for Museums ($9.8 million). In addition, $6 million would be directed to the African American History and Culture Act museum grants and $6 million would go to the new grant program authorized by the National Museum of the American Latino Act.
Library grant programs authorized by the Library Services and Technology Act would receive $201 million in FY 2023. The request also includes $17.7 million for the Administrative account and $5.7 million to support policy research, data collection, analysis and modeling, evaluation, and dissemination of information to improve the nation’s museum, library, and information services.