Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.


New Genealogy of Life Program Announcement

The National Science Foundation has released a new program announcement for the Genealogy of Life (GoLife) program. The program aims to resolve the phylogenetic history of all life’s lineages using an open access, dynamic format and to synthesize as much organismal data as possible with this genealogy of life. Research proposals are due in March […]

Webinar Series on Value of Vertebrate Digitization

iDigBio will be offering a four-part webinar series on the value of digitizing vertebrate collections. The webinars will emphasize the imaging of herps, mammals, birds, and fishes. The online events may be of interest to vertebrate zoologists, curators, collections managers, and others. September 8, 3-4 pm EDT The Value of Digitizing Mammal Collections Cody Thompson, […]

A Special Benefit for NSC Alliance Members

Members of the Natural Science Collections Alliance can participate for free in the Biological Sciences Congressional District Visits event. The event is an opportunity for museum directors and professionals, curators and collection managers, researchers, post docs, and graduate students to meet with their federal and state elected officials. Participants are encouraged to host their elected […]

Talks from NSC Alliance Sponsored Plenary Session at 2015 SPNHC Conference Now Online

The NSC Alliance, the Biodiversity Collections Network (formerly Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance Research Coordination Network), and iDigBio sponsored the Plenary Session at the 2015 Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections conference in Gainesville, Florida. Talks from the opening session were recorded and are being posted online. The first set of talks are now […] Article on Butterfly Collections

A recent article on discusses the value of collecting butterflies for natural history collections. “The Most Favored Insect” by Andrew Warren of the Florida Museum of Natural History makes a case for why butterfly collecting is still relevant in modern science. Several new species of butterflies were recently identified because of genetic analysis. Warren […]

Call for Abstracts for Biodiversity Information Standards Conference

The 2015 Biodiversity Information Standards Conference is seeking abstracts that address the conference theme of applications, standards, and capacity building for sustaining global biodiversity. The conference will be held from 28 September to 3 October 2015 in Nairobi, Kenya. Subprograms will include digitization, semantic technologies, phyloinformatics, outreach and collaboration, epublications, trait data, and conservation informatics. […]

Call for Abstracts: Using Digitized Data in Geological and Paleontological Research

Abstracts are sought on research uses of digitized geoscience data and recent advances in data-publishing and mobilization, and uses of digitized data for outreach and education. The session will be held during the Geological Society of America’s annual meeting in Baltimore, Maryland on 1-4 November 2015. The session will highlight paleontology and geology research that […]

Opportunity to Present at NAGPRA Meeting

The Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Review Committee is soliciting presentations from museums, Indian tribes, and Federal agencies on the progress made, and any barriers encountered, in implementing NAGPRA and (2) the outcomes of disputes reviewed by the Review Committee relating to the return of items. The presentations will be part of the committee’s […]

Collections in Support of Biological Research Solicitation

The new program solicitation for the Collections in Support of Biological Research program at the National Science Foundation (NSF) is now available. The program provides funds for improvements to secure and organize collections that are significant to the NSF BIO-funded research community; to secure collections-related data for sustained, accurate, and efficient accessibility to the biological […]

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