Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.


Experts Sought for Review of International Biodiversity Assessments

The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services is seeking experts to review draft reports on pollinators and policy support. To register for the thematic assessment of pollinators, pollination and food production, complete the registration form at To register for the policy support tools and methodologies for scenario analysis and modeling of biodiversity and […]

Four New Species Discovered in Insect Collections

Four previously unknown cricket species were discovered by a researcher working with insect collections in Spain and Germany. Bruno Massa of the University of Palermo made the discoveries. “European museums preserved collections containing thousands of specimens coming from all the world in the last two centuries,” Massa said. “Of course, many of them still need […]

Awards for Student Herbarium Research

The Society of Herbarium Curators is offering two $500 research grants for students. The awards will be made to students whose research contributes to or uses herbarium resources in ways that augment the collections. Research on any taxa typically accessioned in herbaria including all plant, fungal, lichen, and algal lineages is eligible. Supported activities could […]

Participate in the Biological and Ecological Sciences Congressional Visits Day

Scientists, collections managers, and graduate students who are interested in communicating the importance of federal investments in scientific research and education to lawmakers are invited to participate in the Biological and Ecological Sciences Coalition (BESC) Congressional Visits Day in Washington, DC. This event is an opportunity for scientists to meet with their members of Congress […]

Article on Value of Curators

An article in the December 2014 issue of CLS Journal of Museum Studies, published by the University of Oklahoma, highlights the value of curators to university and museum collections. The article presents the results of a survey of curators. Read “Preliminary Quantification of Curator Success in Life Science Natural History Collections” for free at

Deadline Extended for the Heritage Health Information 2014 Survey

The deadline for the Heritage Health Information 2014: A National Collections Care Survey has been extended to 13 February 2015. If you have not had the opportunity to complete your survey, now is the time. Invitations to participate were sent to institution directors in October. These invitations included personalized login information, which may be entered […]

NSC Alliance Announces 2014 Accomplishments

In 2014, the NSC Alliance engaged in a number of notable activities to raise the profile of natural history collections with policymakers, researchers, and the general public. A few highlights are presented below: Partnered with the American Institute of Biological Sciences and the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections to launch a national […]

New Smithsonian Initiative to Focus on Genomics

The Smithsonian Institution has launched a new initiative to better understand biodiversity genomics. “Our goal is to pioneer novel genomic approaches, integrate them into biological endeavors throughout the Smithsonian and serve as a resource for genomics research around the world,” said Pierre Comizzoli, research biologist and Director of the Grand Challenges Consortia for Science at […]

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