Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.


Advances in Computational Research Transform Scientific Process and Discovery

The National Science Foundation is highlighting some of the research advances that have been made possible because of supercomputing.  From better prediction of earthquakes to describing the minute details of proteins, supercomputers are enabling researchers to push the boundaries of scientific knowledge. “Science is now investing in these super computers, and they are where many […]

Congress Passes Budget Plans for 2014

Even though President Obama has yet to release his budget plan for fiscal year (FY) 2014, both chambers of Congress have pressed ahead with their planning. Last week, the House and Senate each passed a budget resolution for FY 2014. Although a budget resolution is not binding, it does provide a target for total spending […]

NSC Alliance Asks Congress to Sustain Funding for NSF

The NSC Alliance submitted testimony to the House of Representatives in favor of sustained funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) in fiscal year 2014. “The progress of basic scientific research requires a steady federal investment,” stated the testimony authored by NSC Alliance President Larry Page.  “Unpredictable swings in federal funding can disrupt research programs, […]

NSC Alliance and iDigBio Sponsor Symposium at 2013 SPNHC Meetings

On Thursday, 20 June 2013, NSC Alliance and iDigBio will sponsor a symposium on digitization and dissemination of natural history data.  The symposium is broken out into two sessions.  The morning program will be an introduction to digitization and dissemination of data and will focus on iDigBio and other initiatives.  The afternoon session will focus […]

Upcoming NAGPRA Events

The National Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act Program will hold a webinar on 2 April 2013 on identification of aboriginal lands.  Under federal law, museums and federal agency officials must consult with Indian tribes from whose aboriginal land human remains and other cultural items were removed.  Register for the event at The […]

Sequestration Cuts Take Effect

On 1 March 2013, federal budget cuts that — according to the White House and members of Congress — were not meant to happen, began.  Sequestration — $85 billion in across-the-board budget cuts to nearly all federal agencies — was meant as a threat to force congressional action to reduce the federal budget deficit.  For […]

Scientists Call for Greater Access to Biodiversity Resources, Data

A new report calls for the creation of a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance to increase research productivity, solve societal problems, and drive innovation.  The report was the outcome of a workshop of experts that was convened last fall to outline the steps needed to build a Network Integrated Biocollections Alliance (NIBA) in the next ten […]

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