The Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) an alliance of more than 130 professional organizations, scientific societies, universities, and businesses has sent a letter to lawmakers urging them to complete conference negotiations on the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act or USICA (S. 1260) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the Future Act (H.R. 2225), and pass a bill includes robust sustainable growth in authorized funding for both existing NSF programs including research, education, and infrastructure efforts across all areas of science and engineering as well as for a proposed new directorate.
Many of the NSF provisions in both House and Senate legislative approaches will require new or changed activities at the Foundation, reads the letter. We encourage Congress to ensure that the final conference agreement provides the agency with sufficient flexibility to implement these activities, and that appropriations in future years allow growth to fully realize the authorized activities.
NSC Alliance is a member of CNSF.