Natural Science Collections Alliance

Our members are part of an international community of museums, botanical gardens, herbariums, universities and other institutions that house natural science collections and utilize them in research, exhibitions, academic and informal science education, and outreach activities.

Stockholm Biodiversity Informatics Symposium 2008

The Stockholm Biodiversity Informatics Symposium 2008, will be held at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden, 1-4 December 2008.

The Symposium is co-organized by the Swedish Global Biodiversity Information Facility (BGIF) Node, the Swedish FishBase Secretariat, and the Swedish Museum of Natural History, and provides a broad coverage of Biodiversity Informatics and beyond from more than 40 specialist speakers.

The program includes keynotes, lectures, demonstrations, and workshops according to the following general program outline:

1 December 2008 (Monday)
Morning session: Introduktion till Biodiversitetsinformatik/Introduction to Biodiversity Informatics (Presentations in Swedish)
Afternoon session: Introductory and overviews of major biodiversity informatics initiatives

2 December 2008 (Tuesday)
Morning Session:  Digital publishing, archiving and digitizing literature, open access
Afternoon session:  Cybertaxonomy

3 December 2008 (Wednesday)
Morning session:  Spatial information, observation databases
Afternoon session: Web technologies

4 December 2008 (Thursday)
All day thematic workshops in smaller rooms. By invitation only. Please advise well in advance if you wish to have space for workshop activities.

Speakers are by invitation only, but there will also be poster and display space open for contributions.

Advance registration is required to ensure a seat and free lunch, but there is no registration fee.

Please, consult the Symposium website for further information, or contact the Swedish GBIF office at

Stockholm Biodiversity Informatics Symposium 2008
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