Funding agencies increasingly encourage grant recipients to communicate their findings to appropriate stakeholders. Many researchers, particularly those involved with projects with implications for environmental or public health management and policy, want to communicate research findings to appropriate decision makers, news media outlets, or the general public. This webinar presents information and findings from the HBFR Science Links Program, an experiment conducted by scientists and engineers affiliated with the Hubbard Brook Forest Research program. The HBFR Science Links Program demonstrates how a team of scientists can identify and plan a program that effectively delivers timely scientific findings to audiences that need the information to inform decision making.
The webinar will be held on Thursday, July 30, 2009, at 2:30 PM EDT. The agenda includes:
– Introduction: Dr. Robert Gropp, American Institute of Biological Sciences Director of Public Policy;
– Keynote Presentation: Dr. Charles T. Driscoll, University Professor, CESE Director, Syracuse University; and,
– Question and Answer: Webinar participants will be able to engage in a question and answer session with Gropp and Driscoll.
Pre-registration is required for this webinar.
For more information and to register, please go to